Ways to make your neighborhood safer

There are many ways to make Southside neighborhoods safer. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Get to know your neighbors: Building strong relationships with your neighbors can help to create a sense of community and make it easier to look out for each other.
  2. Join a neighborhood watch group: Neighborhood watch groups are not popular in some areas, but some form of private group may be needed in some areas. When neighbors organize themselves to care for the life and safety of families, children, and the elderly, it will help to deter crime by having people keep an eye out for suspicious activity and reporting it to the authorities. This will help, even if there is no “neighborhood watch” sign.
  3. Keep your home well-lit: Criminals are less likely to target homes that are well-lit at night, so making sure your home is well-lit can help to deter burglaries and other crimes.
  4. Keep your doors and windows locked: This is an easy way to deter burglaries and other crimes of opportunity.
  5. Consider installing security cameras: Security cameras can help to deter crime and provide evidence if a crime does occur.
  6. Support community policing: Community policing programs involve law enforcement working closely with the community to address crime and safety issues. Supporting these programs can help to improve safety in your neighborhood.
  7. Participate in neighborhood clean-ups: A clean neighborhood can help to create a sense of pride and can also deter crime by making it harder for criminals to hide.
  8. Support local youth programs: Providing positive activities and support for young people can help to prevent crime by giving them constructive ways to spend their time.
  9. Report suspicious activity: If you see something suspicious in your neighborhood, don’t hesitate to report it to the authorities. This can help to prevent crimes from happening and can also help to solve crimes that have already occurred.

The Southside Dream: Community Policing and increased security will make all neighborhoods safe

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Monroe, La. 71201

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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