Infrastructure improvements and acquisitions
Infrastructure Committee
Bishop Micheal Douglas, Chairman
The committee is composed of board members and resident stakeholders
The committee is charged to develop a master plan for infrastructure improvements that target: The Louisiana Purchase Gardens and Zoo, Enterprise sites, Pedestrian walkways, a Potential supermarket, a Post office, Renwick Street, and Highway 165 Business corridor.
In addition, the committee will study the feasibility of establishing a convention
center in South Monroe, a commercial town square development that encourages the expansion of live entertainment, theater, and cultural activities that improve the quality of life in the district.

2024-08-23Infrastructure Committee Meeting
2023-09-07 Infrastructure committee meeting minutes
2023-04-13 Infrastructure committee meeting minutes
2023-03-02 Infrastructure committee meeting minutes
2022-12-12 Elliott Project resolution and documents
2022-11-18 Infrastructure committee meeting minutes
2022-11-14 Infrastructure project intake sheet
2022-11-14 Notice of Meeting and Agenda
2022-07-09 Letter of Intent for Elliot Project – Not approved.